samedi, septembre 23, 2006

Are women journalists in Congo skilled to use Internet?

When we decided to respond to the request of young women journalists working in media in Congo, we already know that most of them never heard about words such as “on line, off line, web portal, website, mailing list, etc.”!

As a certified partner of Kabissa, we used the training with the manual “Time To Get Online”. The training was interesting. We had to talk about basic notions such as explaining the Internet and opening an email account, before talking about search of information and resources on line.

10 Young women have been trained at our telecentre in Brazzaville. They work for Radio Rurale, National TV Station, and Newspaper “La Nouvelle République”.

These journalists will write stories for the web portal of civil society organisations in Congo

The challenge they still face is to stay connected to the Internet. They don’t have access to Internet at their offices, but are motivated to go in cybercafés to read their emails and search for resources on the Web.

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